With the impending release of Python 3.5 it’s that time of year when everyone wants to update their Python 3 version or add another Python to the list of installed versions.

I use pyenv to manage my Python versions. It allows you to install various versions of Python (including different interpreters), select the order they appear in your PATH, and pin your versions (just like you do in your requirements.txts, right?!).

As an OS X user I previously used Homebrew for this (and there’s already at least one article explaining how to do this if you prefer to do this). However I found this method fell down as soon as I needed multiple versions of either Python 2 or, more recently, Python 3. It also had the added downside of breaking Tox envs when upgrading the python3 recipe. pyenv gives you control of this, much in the same way Virtualenv did for package versions.

This makes getting Python 3.5 installed a simple matter of telling pyenv to install, then activate it. You can then use it from any tool that looks on the PATH, such as Tox.

Set Up Link to heading

The docs contain instructions for various installation methods. I use Homebrew: brew install pyenv. It will use the ~/.pyenv directory by default but this is configurable.

Your shell needs to initialise pyenv on start up by running eval "$(pyenv init -)" and adding the version shims to your PATH: export PATH="$HOME/.pyenv/shims:$PATH"

Install Some Versions Link to heading

You can now list the Python versions available with pyenv install --list and install a version with pyenv install <version>. Unfortunately you can’t install multiple versions with the same command. You can list installed versions with pyenv versions.

The last thing to do is pick the ordering of your Python versions, for example: pyenv global 2.7.10 3.4.3 3.3.6. This means running python in your shell will start a Python 2.7.10 shell.

Pitfalls Link to heading

Pyenv relies upon PATH ordering to make your versions available. However if there are other versions of Python in your PATH before pyenv’s shims then they will take precedence. A common reason for this is Homebrew installed Python(s) or a stale shell config (test by opening in a new shell).