I recently gave Github’s paid service a go when my vimrc ended up needing some passwords in it. While I’m a big fan of Github and what it’s done for the Git community as a whole I just can’t justify paying the £5 a month so I can use my vimrc at home, work and a few servers. Of course the downside is the loss of being able to quickly view code on the web, but as fate would have it Twitter came to my rescue within a couple of days via the sagely Joel Moss.

Diving into Gitalist there were a couple of surprises, least of all it’s written in Perl. Perl?! That’s a dead language right? (Unless you’re slashdot). However playing around with the demo (guys, please up whatever server you’re running that on, it’s dire) was great, not to mention it looks really slick.

Gitalist also presented an opportunity to coax my workplace from Mercurial/Bitbucket (Github’s corporate pricing has so far been the major reason not to use Git) onto Git, but to do so some sort of access control would be needed, thus Gitolite.

I’ve tested these instructions on Ubuntu Server 10.04 so they should work reasonably well on other Ubuntu versions and child distros.

Gitolite Link to heading

Gitolite is an access control system for Git repositories, a natural successor to Gitosis, providing fine grained control on a per branch basis. I won’t bother going into much detail as there’s so much to it and Sitraramc provides a far more comprehensive description on the Github page.

I followed the root install instructions with a couple of caveats:

I specify the folder locations when running src/gl-system-install as it didn’t seem to use the default one’s listed for me:

src/gl-system-install /usr/local/bin /usr/local/share/gitolite/conf /usr/local/share/gitolite/hooks

When adding the git user, rather than just doing a plain useradd git I set some options:

sudo adduser --system --shell /bin/bash --gecos 'git version control' --group --disabled-password --home /home/git git

and then run the su - git command with sudo so you can enter your own password.

Check you can push your projects to the server and you’re away!

Gitalist Link to heading

Installation (CPAN) Link to heading

After some fruitless attempts to install from source and bootstrap I turned to the IRC channel where a Big Damn Hero pointed me at CPAN as the “Way to Go”.

First of all CPAN needs a little love. By default it asks you what to do when it finds a dependency it doesn’t have.

Thankfully it’s easy enough to configure CPAN to follow the default options with the prerequisites_policy option. Open the CPAN console by running cpan.

Note: If CPAN hasn’t been configured before you’ll be asked if you want it to “configure as much as possible automatically”, choose yes then follow the instructions below. However if you do want to go through them manually you’ll be asked for a local CPAN mirror after the proxies section.

To configure type the following into the CPAN console:

o conf prerequisites_policy follow


o conf commit

This sets the prerequisites_policy to follow the default option for each dependency. Thanks to Mithaldu on #gitalist for helping me out and saving hours of tedium.

Finally it’s time for some installations! First up is YAML, which isn’t required, but every install complains that it’s not there because all the package descriptors are written in it. Installing packages from CPAN is as easy as:

install YAML

Note: CPAN might update itself at this point, which can take a significant amount of time depending on the power of your machine.

When that’s done, it’s time for Gitalist:

install Gitalist

Unfortunately some questions still come up, so it’s not a completely unattended installation and did take quite a while for me (at least an hour). Default answers seem fine though.

Test the install by running sudo gitalist_server.pl and having a look at http://<server>:3000/.

If you get an error about the location of the config then try the methods suggested here. I found none of these worked for me so I grabbed the source from Github and copied gitalist.conf to /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.x/Gitalist/.

Later on we’ll setup Gitalist with FastCGI, at which point you’ll need Perl’s FCGI::ProcManager installed as it’s the default “Process Manager” for the Gitalist FastCGI script:

install FCGI::ProcManager

Combining with Gitolite Link to heading

Combining Gitolite and Gitalist is as “simple” as pointing Gitalist at Gitolite’s repository directory. Gitolite is running under the git user and stores the repositories under /home/git/repositories/ which won’t be accessible to you under another user. The easiest way around this is to run the gitalist_server.pl command as the git user like so:

sudo -u git gitalist_server.pl --repo_dir /home/git/repositories/

Of course you don’t want to be stuck with a command running in the terminal all the time, or having to suffix it with & just to have it run in the background so we’ll setup Supervisor to handle all of that for us.

Supervisor Link to heading

Supervisor looks after a process and can be configured to perform useful duties like autorestarting and running your process under a different user, both of which we’re going to take advantage of. Thankfully supervisor can be installed with ease, like so:

sudo aptitude install supervisor

Next you’ll need a config file for Gitalist:

sudo vim /etc/supervisor/conf.d/gitalist.conf

Paste in the following - setting the path to your gitalist_server.pl to the appropriate place if it’s not in the default location.

I’ve put the socket and pid files in /var/run/ since Gitalist is installed via CPAN into and doesn’t really have an install directory as such so that’s the next logical place. However you’ll need to create the gitalist directory there and chown it to your git user so it can be written to by the FastCGI script (which is now running under the git user). The --nproc switch tells the script how many processes to run, like Nginx’s workers directive. To see all the options run /usr/local/bin/gitalist_fastcgi.pl --help in your terminal.

Open up Supervisor’s nifty console with sudo supervisorctl and tell it to update so that it uses your Gitalist config (you’ll need to do this after any updates to a configuration file). status will show you a list programs you’ve setup which you can start, stop, restart and tail (for program output, with -f for continuous output). The gitatlist server should now be running under Supervisor, check with the tail gitalist to make sure there are no errors in the output.

Gitalist Config Link to heading

Since we’re using FastCGI to pass requests from Nginx through to Gitalist we’ll use the Gitalist config file (you can’t pass Gitalist configuration values to the FastCGI script). Open it up in your favourite editor:

sudo vim /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/Gitalist/gitalist.conf

and set the repo_dir option to /home/git/repositories/:

Nginx Link to heading

Create yourself a virtual host in nginx’s sites-available directory and add the following, changing the server name to something suitable:

I’ve setup the logs under /var/log/gitalist/ for the same reason as the socket and the pid files, again you’ll have to create that directory but make it writable by www-data so Nginx has access to it.

Link the virtual host into sites-enabled and test with sudo nginx -t to check there are no errors, then reload nginx sudo /etc/init.d/nginx reload (or use upstart) and your Gitalist should now be accessible on your domain!

Notes Link to heading

FastCGI vs. Reverse Proxying Link to heading

While getting FastCGI setup I toyed with Nginx as a reverse proxy to the one or more instances of the Catalyst development server, but had issues with hiding the port number and it felt a bit wrong to use a development server in production.

Having installed Gitalist via CPAN it lives under /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/Gitalist/ which seems a bad place to store a socket file, a pid file or any logs which is why I chose to put them all under /var/.

Extra Reading Link to heading